Lindsay Ishoy
I found yoga on a dare, when I didn't know what else may help all the little aches and pains that were catching up with me in my 20s. The profound impact of my first few classes would forever change the course of my life and career. I set off to India to become a teacher and deepen my self practice, starting with Astanga.
The integration of yoga with physiotherapy has been an ongoing lesson in humility. I have since moved to a more therapeutic approach to yoga that minimizes injuries, restores essential movement and calms our overburdened systems. It begins with building awareness, explores with curiosity how ease is the foundation of building strength and improves mental focus and clarity over time.

aNDRES Arriola
Andres dived into Yoga from physical injuries from playing sports. Learning the subtleties of the body, he inquired deeper and immersed for many months at a time in Yoga practice in India and back home in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. He enjoys endurance sports, hiking and running and traveling the world and optimizes his practice for these outdoor pursuits. Andres has over 1,500 hours of training and has lead teacher training. He now focuses his practice and learnings into raising a child with his wife.
“I teach Hatha Yoga and infuse it with what I’ve learned from many disciplines and sports. Not your typical pretty-looking flow, it’s hard work to build strength, mobility and mindfulness with breath. My classes will help with posture, mind-energy regulation, athletic performance, injuries and chronic pain, and of course yogic philosophy for life. I teach with a how-to-fish approach and often pause to refine the practice and make it accessible to all bodies”

My yoga journey has taken me around the world, eventually guiding me to two of India’s foremost traditional colleges of yoga. One philosophy class in India put into words all I was missing in Western-style classes. I learned how important to understand why we are doing what we are doing in yoga class, in order to purposely direct one’s practice with awareness - starting with the physical and becoming ever more subtler. I aspire to the philosophy of presence, awareness and connection in the classes I share with the ethos that yoga is so much more than an exercise.
With over 800hours of Yoga teacher trainings, I work as a Yoga therapist in one-on-one settings to support people in building a conscious relationship with their bodies, physiology, mind and spirit. My work is supported by an academic background in Western Psychology (BA, UVic 2008), and Cultural Studies (MA, Rhodes University, South Africa 2014). I am currently in the process of completing an MA in Yoga Studies from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles (2023), with the goal of teaching yoga in universities in the future.